Friday, June 18, 2010

World Cup vs Gaza

  • World Cup just started last week.
  • I don't watch it because I dont have much time and it is coincidence with the exam's week in Massey. Even the last paper finished yesterday, I didnt go for watching it since I got no interest in soccer anymore.
  • And its almost three weeks after the Flotilla issue in Gaza. That time, we can see most of us did really concerned about what's happening. Like in facebook, we change our profile pictures to Palestinian flag or any images related to what's happened in Palestine nowadays. Protests being held on the streets across the world.
  • But, in recent two or three days, the blazing fire and outrage towards the cruelty of the Israeli towards the Palestinian people and those who are coming to aid have been quelled by the World Cup fever. We are willing to stay up till the morning for the match rather than doing salah and dua' for our brothers who are being opressed in Palestine. Not to mention those who missed their fajr prayer because they go to sleep quite late.
  • Humans forget too easily. Maybe that's why we called as "insan". Where's our istiqamah then?

1 comment:

asatoshi said...

agreed! the fifa wc had jz started and its influency spreaded like wildfire among us. the proof is crystal clear where we could see people starts changing their prof. pics into those jersey pictures and status were almost all the time about fifa matches. huhh. =.=" if only the gaza issue sticks to their heart like this..